Analysis of Ecological Data with R
This is a slide and exercise collection for the ILOEK Course “Analysis of ecological data in R”.
Target audience
- You want answers to questions (in landscape ecology)!
- Primarily ecologists but the methods and skills are useful in many fields.
- No R knowledge is required (or other programming skills)
- It is helpful if you know what a spreadsheet is
- Minimum amount of statistic needed (course explains all the necessary stuff)
Aims of this course
- Developing ideas, answering questions
- Defining steps how to solve a problem
- Translating these steps into R code
- Learning the necessary R language on the way
- A lot of data handling and manipulation
- Using statistics as a tool.
What this course is NOT
- statistics as in mathematical equations
\[ \left( {\begin{array}{*{20}c} n \\ k \\ \end{array}} \right) = \frac{{n!}}{{k!\left( {n - k} \right)!}} \]
\[ \sigma ^2 = \mu _2 = \sum {\left( {x - \mu _1 } \right)^2 P\left( x \right)} \]
- R as in computer science
- You probably won’t find out anything you didn’t already know about ecology
Course Outline
- Summary and Exercises from last week
- New Input
- Exercises
- Studienleistung: 10 assignments - Passed with 6 assignments > 50%