

  • R is a script language
  • Version 1.0 from 2000 (concept dates back to 1974)
  • Original Aim: Statistical Analysis
  • Designed for data analysis and “interactive” use
  • Download: r-project.org


What you see when you start R

R Code

data <- c(12, 45, 65, 1, 3, 87)

data <- data + 5

R Code

data <- c(12, 45, 65, 1, 3, 87)
[1] 35.5
data <- data + 5
[1]  6  8 17 50 70 92

Why R?

  • Easy to get into (although it might not feel that way at first)
  • Designed for solving scientific problems
  • Big community - Getting help is really easy.
  • Open-source, active development
  • Used in science, industry, healthcare, NGOs, …

Why R?

The R package structure has been the key addition to the software - Chambers (2020)

  • Expandable with packages provided by other R users
    • Specialized analysis for specific fields
    • Machine Learning
    • Medicine
    • Writing Books

Why R?

(Wickham2023?) : R for datascience


  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
  • Makes R “convenient” to use
  • Text Editor + R Console
  • Project Environments, Package Management, Help Pages, Plot Viewer, File Browser …


Chambers, John, M. 2020. “S, R, and Data Science.” The R Journal 12 (1): 462. https://doi.org/10.32614/RJ-2020-028.