Marvin Ludwig
git remote # to get infos about remote
git push # to send commits to remote
git pull # to download commits from remote
Rstudio is a powerful user interface for git!
Package Page created with pkgdown
devtools::install_github(repo = "")
remotes::install_github(repo = "")
Package Page created with pkgdown
There is a small Bug in the r-package getSpatialData
In the file R/internal_clients.R
Line 40:
# wrong:
lapply(uuid, function(x) content(.get(paste0(cred[3], "/odata/v1/Products('", x, "')/", field), cred[1], cred[2])))
# correct:
lapply(uuid, function(x) content(.get(paste0(cred[3], "odata/v1/Products('", x, "')/", field), cred[1], cred[2])))
Which workflow do you propose?
All computations were done in R (Version 4.0.2; [38]). All presented methods are provided as the R-package uavRmp ( and the Metashape Python Scripts ( - Ludwig et al. 2020
The ELC10 dataset is available here: JavaScript and R code to reproduce ELC10 is available here: - Venter et al. 2021
Github can serve webpages!
Contents of docs/index.Rmd
title: "Introduction to Version Control"
author: "Marvin Ludwig"
output: html_document
theme: slate
layout: page
# Github Pages Demo
This is a demonstration for a simple but effective webpage on Github.
Click [here](presentation.html) for a presentation about git and Github.
Track large files by including them with text-based pointers
- md5: 13ff4c5c6672752b90da533b408d0024.dir
size: 1416965813
nfiles: 13
path: data/sentinel2